written by Sumbera, S.,  Nov. 2002

3. MDL Architecture

this chapter topics: Who should learn MDL, What means MDL, MDL framework



Who should learn MDL

MDL is spine of MicroStation in term of programming. Anyone who wants to develop professional applications for MicroStation should learn MDL.
MDL API is most complex API among other ones available by Bentley (like MicroStation BASIC, MicroStationDGN COM object or JMDL classes)

Moreover you will find MDL useful if you are VBA developer because a lot of MDL API may be used from Visual Basic too. We may say that MDL is something like system-level programming while VBA is user-level programming in MicroStation.


What means MDL

Conventional MDL

MDL doesn’t mean only a C derivate language for MicroStation. We may take it as a framework for MicroStation development containing all necessary features. It has its own compiler, linker, runtime, graphical user interface and huge API covering all aspects for controlling MicroStation.
MDL is the core application engine for MicroStation. Note we are speaking about interpreted MDL or let's say conventional MDL.


Native MDL

'Native MDL'  is free of all  stuff like command line debugger, interpreted code, C restrictions or so... Native MDL is hosted by some IDE, has visual debugger, can be written in any language, run fast in native code etc.. simply all things you need and request as high-tech developer who is competitive nowadays in this childhood  of new century.  MDL is mainly  set of API you use for full control of MicroStation.


MDL framework overview

We will look into MDL framework



State machine engine

MicroStation behaves as state machine. A state machine constantly watches for events such as input events by mouse, keyboard, tablet, state change events, timer events or others. When an event occurs, MicroStation checks its current state and react on the event. This feature has major implication on event driven programming in MDL.

MDL runtime

An MDL runtime is a subset of MDL framework which supports the execution (but not the development) of MDL applications. The MDL runtime comprises the MDL Virtual Machine, exception handling, MDL debugger, MDL task management, system resource manager, dialog manager, task management and other supporting services.



 MDL virtual machine

Platform independence feature was indeed one of the reason why MDL source code is not directly compiled into native CPU instruction but rather to the pseudo code which is interpreted by MicroStation MDL virtual machine. This imply that MDL programs cannot be run outside of the MicroStation.
MDL virtual machine is engine that acts as an interface or intermediate level between binary MDL p-code and the microprocessor (or OS platform) that actually performs the program's instructions.

This design has two advantages:

System Independence: An MDL application is able to be run on different platform regardless of the hardware or software underlying the system. (unfortunately MicroStation v8 target only Windows platform)

Security: Because the VM secure layer above the operating system, there is little possibility of a MDL application damaging other files or applications.

...and two disadvantages:

• API lowest common denominator: Because programs running in a VM are separate from the operating system, they cannot take advantage of special operating system features. MDL application do not look and feel like native applications specific to the currently running operating system. Virtual machine support the lowest common denominator. However there are many platform-specific features and quirks that the users of specific platforms expect. Even MDL API contain some Windows specific functions you can’t expect to have full access to Win32 API function via the virtual machine.

 Fortunately you may have this access through native Dynamic Link Modules which are platform specific. A native application can use these features producing an application that's faster, looks and feels right, and works with the operating system and other native applications as expected.
Although it was possible in previous versions of MicroStation to use native code together with MDL, with MicroStation v8 this functionality has been dramatically improved since the first release of MDL.

• Performance. The performance is lowered down due to the p-code interpreter.

Virtual Machine pointers

When programming with pointers you need to take care of the following facts:

• Pointers on data are real (native) pointers to MicroStation's data address space and thus real pointers on operating system. These data pointers can be shared with MicroStation, other MDL applications or native code if it has privileges to read or write this memory. This feature may be seen as gap in security of MDL Virtual Machine or as an advantage for MDL and native code interoperability.

• Pointers on MDL functions are just offsets in the MDL program’s address space, thus they are not real (native) pointers. They must point to MDL functions (a sequence of pseudo codes produced by the MDL compiler) and cannot point to native compiled functions. Fortunately MDL API provides built-in function dlmSystem_callAnyFuncion for invoking MDL function from native code or from interpreted MDL p-code.

• Pointers on native functions are in MDL also possible with pointerToNative pragma. Note that DLL native functions symbols may be simply imported into MDL code.


Exception handling

An exception indicates a fault in running application requiring that the program responsible for the fault situation should be closed. A fatal exception means the program can not continue to run. When an exception is detected, MDL tries to report the exception type and tries to abort the application. If application is compiled in debug mode, MDL runtime enters into debugging the application whenever an error occurs.

Exceptions fall in two categories:
Faults detected by MDL runtime: This may be caused by stack overflow or divide-by-zero. This exceptions are usually easy to locate in code and correct them.

Faults detected by the native machine and operating system: For example, if an MDL program causes a floating point exception or tries to use a NULL pointer, a hardware exception occurs. MicroStation intercepts the fault and performs its error recovery.


MDL debugger

Bentley designed with Virtual Machine also platform independent symbolic, command-line debugger. Unfortunately this is the weak point of the MDL framework. The debugger can perform all necessary tasks, but is only “command line” friendly. If you prefer command typing with keyboard instead of mouse clicking you will be most satisfied MDL programmer. Despite this weakness after some experiences with debugging of MDL application you will find it even useful.


MDL task management

Executable MDL files

Executive code of interpreted MDL resides either in MDL application – a file with MA extension or in shared library – a file with MSL extension. We will briefly introduce them:

MDL application (MA)

resembles compiled and run able programs in system. Internally MDL application consists of an :

MDL shared library (MSL)

 resembles compiled dynamic libraries in system. A shared library is dynamically linked to MDL application. The MDL shared library has function and data symbols that are exported and can be used by other MDL applications. This is very similar to Dynamic Link Modules (DLLs), but again MDL shared library is compiled into pseudo code as MDL program.


Runtime application management

MicroStation may load as many MDL applications as necessary. Every running MDL application is uniquely identified according following concept:


MDL context switch

A MDL task is either active in case MicroStation pseudo code interpreter is executing its instructions, or suspended while waiting to be activated by some event occurring in Microstation. If switch to another MDL task is necessary, MDL runtime select target MDL stack, sets the current MDL descriptor and starts executing the MDL task. This is known also as MDL context switch. When MDL application calls a function within its task, it means using normal symbolic reference or using function pointer - that call is called non-switched function call.
Note that there is no multi tasking in the interpreted MDL code.

..to be ..may be... continued

mail comments to stanislav@sumbera.com